These Terms and Conditions shall apply between The Gloucestershire Wedding Show as organised by Estrella Wedding Shows Ltd (“Supplier”) and you (“Client”). No other terms and conditions shall apply to the provision of Services unless agreed upon in writing between the Supplier and the Client. By Submitting a completed booking form, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions in full.
The Supplier reserves the right to amend or add to these Terms and Conditions and no waiver of these Terms and Conditions shall release any exhibitor from the contract. No amendment of these Terms and Conditions proposed by the Client shall be of any effect unless agreed in writing by the Supplier.
Suppliers Obligations
1. The Supplier shall use its best and reasonable endeavours to complete its performance in the advertisements and marketing of The Gloucestershire Wedding Show so as to ensure a reasonable footfall.
2. The Supplier shall use reasonable care and skill in its performance of the Services.
3. The Supplier will use all reasonable endeavours to limit the number of exhibitors in each category so as to enable as much individual exposure for Clients to prospective customers.
4. The Supplier will communicate details of the show, including arrival times and unloading/loading procedures, via email prior to the event. This information supersedes any previous information provided and is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that this information is passed on to any other agent or representative of the clients’ business.
Clients Obligations
5. The Client will only exhibit those items & services in the category for which they have booked and form part of their booked named business and will remove any items from display if the Supplier feels this is in conflict with other Clients or events.
6. The Client agrees to complete the set up their exhibitor space within the times stated by the Supplier (by 10:30am) and to be available at their stand at least fifteen minutes before the event opens (by 10:45am).
7. The Supplier shall not be liable for any delay or failure to provide the Services where such delay or failure is due to the Client’s failure to comply with the Clause 1 and/or 2 above.
Bookings & Fees
8. Bookings can only be made by completing the booking form and paying the required Deposit. The Supplier is not obliged to accept an order for Services from the Client.
9. Bookings are accepted on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. The Supplier cannot accept liability for a late return of the Booking Form and Deposit.
10. The Supplier will not accept bookings made by any method other than the booking form.
11. If an Event becomes fully booked due to same day deposits and booking forms being received, The Supplier reserves the right to cancel bookings from Clients based on those received last.
12. A light lunch for no more than two persons per booking will be included at this event, which is catered by Cheltenham Racecourse. Cheltenham Racecourse is unable to cater for dietary requirements. Due to the nature of the event it is not possible for Cheltenham Racecourse to protect from cross contamination.
Therefore the Supplier urges the Client to take responsibility for their own food. The Supplier will also provide a morning coffee/tea for no more than two persons per booking. Additional refreshments can be purchased from the cash only cafe provided by Cheltenham Racecourse.
13. Submission of the booking form and these terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between Supplier and Client. No statement, promise or representation made by or on behalf of the Supplier (whether made orally or on the Suppliers’ website) shall be binding on the Supplier unless agreed to in writing by the Supplier.
14. The Fees for the Services are as per the booking form, which will be subject to change from time to time.
15. The Client shall be required to pay a Deposit as detailed in these Terms & Conditions which is equal to 50% of the invoice total within 7 days of invoice receipt. All fees are to be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the event booked on the invoice.
16. If the Client does not pay the Deposit or Full Balance to the Supplier, the Client will still have to pay the appropriate fee, unless cancelled within 7 days of invoice. It is upto the Supplier if they wish to cancel their space at The Gloucestershire Wedding Show.
17. Fees are to be paid by Bank Transfer, Credit Card or Cheque and will only be accepted in GBP.
18. The Deposit shall be non-refundable unless the Supplier fails to provide the Services and is at fault for such failure. Where the failure is not the fault of the Supplier, no refund shall be made. The Supplier may choose to transfer the Deposit to another event at their discretion.
19. Should the Client cancel the booking the following Cancellation Fees shall apply:
19.1 8 Weeks or more prior to the event date: Full Refund (less Deposit)
19.2 Less than 8 Weeks prior to the event date: No Refund
20. The Supplier reserves the right to cancel any booking made with the Client and will return any monies paid should they wish to cancel the booking.
Exhibition Space
21. Stand spaces will be allocated by the Supplier. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate individual requests, this cannot be guaranteed, and the Supplier reserves the right to assign space to be most beneficial for the event, taking into consideration all other exhibitors.
22. If the Client is not present at the event within 30 minutes of the event opening time and has not informed the Supplier (and the Supplier does not agree to the expected arrival time), the Supplier reserves the right to reallocate the space to another exhibitor for the benefit of the event. If the Supplier agrees with the expected arrival time an alternative space will be offered, at the discretion of the Supplier, should a space be available. It should be noted the size of the space may differ from that booked.
23. Clients are not permitted to dismantle their display before the advertised closing time of the event, either in part or in full.
24. Under no circumstances, except with the express permission of the Supplier, can any stand space be sub-let, sold or shared with any other company or individual by the Client.
Transportation Exhibitors
25. Clients exhibiting wedding vehicles or other transportation must ensure that they are clean and well presented. Vehicles should use drip trays to catch any stray leaks. Any damage or spillage of oil, grease or fuel will be the responsibility of the Client and must be cleaned to a standard that meets with the venues approval.
26. Any resulting costs from such spillage will be the responsibility of the Client.
27. Clients using Horse-drawn vehicles must ensure that any animal faeces are immediately collected and not disposed of in any public area or refuse bin. It is the Clients’ responsibility to ensure the area remains clean for the public to visit.
28. Access to an electrical point must be requested by the Client at the time of booking by completing the relevant sections on the Booking Form.
29. The Client can use their own electrical extension cables at this show.
30. All electrical equipment in use must have the appropriate in date PAT certification label. Failure to comply may mean the Client is unable to use their equipment at the event.
31. No refunds will be given for Clients failing to comply with clauses 29 and 30.
32. If you use your own table linen, you must ensure it reaches the floor at the front and sides of the table, to conceal any items stored underneath.
33. Clients should ensure they have the appropriate PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited) and PRS (Performing Rights Society) licenses should they wish to use recorded material at the event.
Health and Safety
34. Clients must adhere to all fire, health and safety laws and regulations. Aisles and fire exits must not be blocked or partially blocked at any time.
35. Clients must comply with the rules and regulations of the venue.
36. No children under 12 will be permitted to be in attendance at Client stands during the opening times of the show, unless with prior agreement with the Supplier.
37. Clients offering products/services within the food industry must ensure they are registered with environmental health and be able to supply relevant certificates and consents upon demand.
38. Helium gas cylinders must be removed from the venue premises immediately after their use in setting up a display and remain in the Clients’ storage facility under their correct
storage/transportation license.
39. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure they have appropriate insurance provision (including but by no means limited to Public Liability Insurance) for any claims by any persons visiting or partaking in the event.
40. The Client shall indemnify the Supplier against any claim or action for any injury or death being caused to any persons whosoever by any negligence on the part of the Client or for any damage to any property by the Client.
41. Clients accept liability for all acts or omissions by themselves and/or their agents/representatives.
42. The Supplier will in no way be responsible for the safety of any property owned or brought to the event by a Client or any other person on the Clients’ behalf or for any loss or damage that may occur to such property, unless caused by the negligence of the Supplier.
43. The Supplier reserves the right to stop any activity on the part of the Client that may cause disruption to other exhibitors or visitors.
44. The Client should only conduct business from their own stand and under no circumstances may this be carried out anywhere else within the venue (without prior agreement of the Supplier).
45. The Supplier will not tolerate any conduct or behaviour that appears or is perceived to be inappropriate, discriminatory or offensive to other Clients, the venue or event visitors.
46. The Client must ensure that their stand only fills the space booked and must not encroach upon exits, corridors, walkways or neighbouring stands. Articles may be removed by the Supplier, with no responsibility on its part for any loss or damage by such removal. The Supplier reserves the right to eject any Client who fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions. There shall be no refund of payment should such action be deemed necessary by the Supplier.
47. Should visitors make complaints directly to the Supplier regarding a Client on more than three occasions in direct relation to a service, trades description, behaviour (oral or written), the Supplier reserves the right to terminate any or all future bookings and will refund monies at their discretion.
The Supplier will not be associated with any such business that may have a detrimental effect on the event or the Suppliers’ business.
48. Clients who have a complaint on the day of the event, relating directly to the event or affecting their ability to exhibit at the event must address their complaint to the Supplier only. The Client must state in a courteous manner, in private, away from other exhibitors the nature of the complaint and a proposed solution. The Supplier will aim to resolve the complaint, to the best of their ability given the time, situation and feasibility of such a complaint to the satisfaction of all parties.
Liability and Indemnity
49. The Supplier will not due to any representation, implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law or under these Terms and Conditions, be liable for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the Supplier’s employees, agents or otherwise) in connection with its provision of the Services or the performance of any of its other obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
50. The Client shall indemnify the Supplier against all damages, costs, claims and expenses suffered by the Supplier arising from any loss or damage to any equipment (including that belonging to third parties) caused by the Client.
51. It is the Clients responsibility to ensure they have adequate Indemnity Insurance for the event.
Force Majeure
52. The Supplier shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations where such failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond their reasonable control. Such causes include, but are not limited to: power failure, Internet Service Provider failure, industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, acts of terrorism, acts of war, governmental action or any other event that is beyond the control of the party in question.
Law and Jurisdiction
53. These Terms and Conditions (including any non-contractual matters and obligations arising therefrom or associated therewith) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales.